Hey there, you with the wagon. What brings you to Fort Griffin?
William Ledbetter answers:
I've come to barter with the United States Army. See, they've
got something I want; I've got something they want. Come and see what I brought
to trade.
Do you see all those burlap bags piled high, stenciled with
my trademark? Try and lift one. Heavy, right? That's salt in there—salt—that
precious mineral, so essential to life. I produce tons of it down at my saltworks
on the Salt Branch of Hubbard Creek. I've been in business over five years
Settlers come from miles around to get salt from my place—and
risk their lives doing so. With
Comanches continually raiding my saltworks and murdering innocent people,
no one is safe. A couple of years ago, poor Phil Reynolds had just left my
place when Indians ambushed his wagon and killed him. But despite the danger,
people keep coming back to get their salt. They
can't exist without salt. Salt is not just used to make food taste better.
Way out here, we have no ice to keep meat fresh. We need salt to preserve
beef and pork to make it last a long time. We need salt to make butter. Horses
and cows have to have it, too, or they will die.
Soldiers also need salt. General Sherman himself once declared
that salt is more important than gunpowder to the army. Without it, he said,
armies cannot survive. I think these new Ft. Griffin soldiers will agree with
the general.
Today I have come to meet with the commander of the Sixth
Cavalry. I plan to propose a trade—one of their cannons for my salt.
With the protection of a small cannon, I can defend my saltworks against any
future raids the Comanches might be planning. Without a heavy gun, though,
I cannot continue. I'll just load my iron kettles and all my equipment onto
my wagon, shut down my operation, and move on. If that happens, we all lose.
There's not another source of salt anywhere near this settlement.
Here comes Colonel Sturgis. Good, he looks like a reasonable
man. Sorry, I must take leave of you and strike my deal. I just must have
that cannon.
Because Ledbetter's salt was
so important to the people of Fort Griffin and The Flat, William Ledbetter
got his cannon at the fort that day. The next time his salt works were
attacked by Indians, he fired his cannon until he ran out of ammunition.
As the Indians retreated, he loaded a heavy metal bolt into the cannon
and fired again. But the attacks on the isolated settlement continued,
in spite of the firepower from the cannon. In 1870, Ledbetter's youngest
son wandered off from school at the Lynch Ranch. The settlers thought
he must have been carried away by Comanches. A party of citizens and
soldiers searched the area but could find no trace of the missing boy.
Another man was killed in an attack the following day. Ledbetter's young
son was never found. Ledbetter held out for another 10 years and the
moved to the nearby town of Albany, finally abandoning his saltworks.
Making Salt on the Prairie
Making salt was a simple process if you had a source of salty water.
Ledbetter had a spring on his place near the Salt Branch of Hubbard
Creek. First he pumped salty water from the spring into his heavy iron
pots. Then he lit a wood fire under the pots and let them cook until
all the liquid boiled away, leaving salt on the bottom. After it dried
in the sun, the salt was put in burlap bags, ready to sell.
Credits and sources: Character dialogue by
Lisa Waller Rogers; top painting by Charles Shaw; photos of Ledbetter cabin,
site of salt works, salt kettles, and sign, all by Bob Stiba.