Texas Beyond History
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Prehistoric Peoples of the South Texas Plains is the second regional presentation an ongoing multi-yea expansion project, Prehistoric Texas. This undertaking was made possible by the financial support and content contributions of many.

Grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Texas Historical Commission (Texas Preservation Trust Fund) provided the underwriting that launched and have helped to sustain the project.

Supporting funds have come from:

• Texas Department of Transportation
• Summerfield G. Roberts Foundation
• Clements Foundation
• Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation
• College of Liberal Arts (UT Austin)
• Utopia (UT Austin)
• E. Thomas Miller
• Council of Texas Archeologists
• Southern Texas Archaeological Association
• Texas Archeological Society

As well as Individual donations from members of the Texas Archeological Society, the Council of Texas Archeologists, and the South Texas Archaeological Association.

Project Leaders: Steve Black and Susan Dial, co-editors, Texas Beyond History.

Written content contributors: Steve Black, Susan Dial, Thomas R. Hester, Phil Dering, John Dockall, Nancy Kenmotsu, Alston Thoms, Carol Schlenk, Jeff Taff,  Grant Hall,  Steve Tomka, Tamra Walter, Kay Hindes, Betty Inman, Robert Hard, Ken Brown, Bill Birmingham, Tom Fort, Karen Fort, Cory Broehm, and Mike Quigg. 

Graphics and image contributors: John Abbott, Michael Bever, Steve Black, Bill Birmingham, Doug Boyd, David Calame, Pat Clabaugh, Susan Dial,  Curtis Dusek, Grant Hall,  Thomas R. Hester, Carol Macaulay, Richard McReynolds, Bruce Moses, Bob Stiba, Heather Smith, John Thompson, and Alston Thoms.

Artists: Frank Weir, Jose Cisneros, David Everett, Ted DeGrazia, Nola Montgomery, Reeda Peel, and Hal Story.

Web Developers: Heather Smith, Josh Leong (Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services, UT Austin), and Chuck Lucier and Scott Herrick (Center for Instructional Technologies, UT Austin).

Key exhibit partner organizations:  Center for Archaeological Research (UTSA), Southern Texas Archaeological Association, Texas Archeological Research Laboratory, Texas A&M Department of Anthropology, Texas Department of Transportation, Texas Parks and Wildlife, and Texas Historical Commission.

Museums and History Centers: Southwestern Writers Collection (Texas State University), Museum of the Coastal Bend, Museum of South Texas History, Victoria Regional History Center, Institute of Texan Cultures, Center for American History (UT Austin), Witte Museum, and Daughters of the Republic of Texas Library.

Collections and Archival Access: Patricia Clabaugh, Laura Nightengale, Mary Beth Tomka, and Carolyn Spock.

Reviewers: Thomas R. Hester, Pat Mercado-Allinger, Alston Thoms, Bob Ricklis, Brett Cruse, and Richard Weinstein.

Proofreaders: Rosario Casarez, Ken Brown, Richard Weinstein, Laura Nightengale, Pat Clabaugh, and Suzanne Colwell.