A very small inscribed pewter cup, or jigger, was recovered in a very flattened condition (shown back and front). In its present shape, it measures roughly 2 inches (4.88 cm) wide and not quite 2 inches (4.7 cm) tall. It痴 capacity originally may have been around 1.7 ounces (50 ml). An inscription is written in two sections around the vessel, along with decorative embellishments sauch a fleurs de lys and initial Ls (for King Louis). The inscription reads: LISGOT OI TRATEVR DV ROY/ (bottom) SEVL POSSISEY DV SECRET. A literal translation for this, according to analyst Gregory Waselkov, is: 鏑isgot, trader of (licensed by) king, sole holder of the secret.捻hoto by Sue Prudhomme; artifact on display at Museum of the Coastal Bend, Victoria.
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