Margaret Howard has served as the Archeology Survey Team Leader at the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department since 1994. She came to Texas in 1980 to obtain a Master’s degree in Anthropology from the University of Texas at Austin. She was employed by the private contract archeological firm Prewitt and Associates, Inc. for 12 years, and also worked for 2 years in the National Register Department of the Texas Historical Commission. A past president of the Council of Texas Archeologists and the Texas Archeological Society, Margaret is currently working to increase diversity through the Native American scholarship program for the Texas Archeological Society Field School.
Hueco Tanks State Park and Historic Site
Official website for Hueco Tanks provided by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, with helpful information on how to get there, making reservations for camping, and guided tours.
El Paso Museum of Archaeology
Located at the foothills of the Franklin Mountains, this museum features an excellent collection of Mimbres and other regional pottery, displays of artifacts, reconstructed scenes of the past, and nature trails.
Centennial Museum, University of Texas at El Paso
Located on the UTEP campus, this museum is devoted to the cultural history of El Paso, Juarez, and surrounding areas.
Rupestrian Cyberservices
Website of photographer Robert Mark and chief scientist Evelyn Billo, who have pioneered numerous computer enhancement techniques for rock art.
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