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Credits and Sources

Secrets of the Desert was created by TBH Editor Susan Dial with Editorial Assistant Heather Smith, who also did the web development and animation. Images from numerous sources were used in the development of these interactives and are acknowledged below according to the sections in which they appear.

Main page
Kids at campfire scene by Charles Shaw; animation concept by Meg Kemp.

Where Are We?
Satellite maps adapted from Google Earth. Photos of Hueco Tanks, Pecos River, Salt Basin, and mesa photos by Susan Dial. El Paso photo courtesy; Guadalupe Peak by Bob Parvin, courtesy Texas Historical Commission.

Who Lived Here?
Background photo by Rupestrian Cybersonics, courtesy Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD). Painting of Indians hunting buffalo by Nola Davis, courtesy TPWD. Depiction of Silverio Escontrias, courtesy TPWD. Scenes of native huts, houses, and cornfields are derived from photos taken of displays in the Centennial Museum, University of Texas at El Paso, and the El Paso Museum of Archeology, and from painting of Firecracker Pueblo by George Nelson, courtesy of Institute of Texan Cultures, University of Texas at San Antonio. Photos of children visiting site and ranger looking at rock art courtesy TPWD.

Why Live Here?
Background photos by Rupestrian Cybersonics and Wanda Olzewski, courtesy TPWD. Deer, snake, and mouse photos courtesy TPWD. Panther drinking water, courtesy Centennial Museum, UTEP. Graphic of zia maize adapted from depictions at El Paso Museum of Archeology and Centennial Museum, UTEP. Precipitation map, courtesy TPWD.

Discover Ancient Secrets
Background photos and rock art by Rupestrian Cybersonics, courtesy TPWD, and Susan Dial. Rock art paintings by Forrest Kirkland, TARL Archives. Rock art "before and after" photos by Rupestrian Cybersonics. Photos of archeologists and visitors to site courtesy TPWD.

Links to other Resources
You'll find a lot more about Hueco Tanks here, especially more pictures of rock art.
Official website of Hueco Tanks State Historic Site with information on how to get there, visiting hours, and restrictions. (Only a limited number of visitors allowed in camp each day.)
Handbook of Texas article about Hueco Tanks.