Texas Beyond History
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Credits and Support

Prehistoric Peoples of the Plateaus and Canyonlands is the first in a groundbreaking series of regional presentations in the multi-year Prehistoric Texas expansion project for TBH. This undertaking is made possible by the support of many.

Grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Texas Historical Commission (Texas Preservation Trust Fund) provided the underwriting that launched the project.

Supporting funds have come from:

Individual donations from dozens of members of the Texas Archeological Society and the Council of Texas Archeologists helped make this exhibit possible.

The Plateaus and Canyonlands exhibits were created by a small team at TBH working in concert with dozens of collaborators from agencies, institutions, and organizations. TBH co-editors Steve Black and Susan Dial planned and developed the exhibits and wrote much of the content. Web designer Meg Kemp put the exhibit together with help from TBH editorial assistants Erin Tyson and Jeff Taff. Education editor Carol Schlenk created the teaching resources and several of the kids learning activities.

The individual collaborators are credited within the the exhibits where their work is featured; these include major content contributors Nancy Kenmotsu, J. Phillip Dering, Dan Potter, Tim Roberts, Samuel McCulloch, Jan Jackson, and Elizabeth Cooper.

Pat Mercado-Allinger, State Archeologist of Texas, is serving as project reviewer for the Prehistoric Texas Project. She has spent many hours reading and editing the Plateaus and Canyonlands exhibit sets and has provided numerous helpful suggestions. The many other individuals and organizations who contributed exhibit sections, imagery, and expertise are appropriately acknowledged in relevant exhibit sections. TBH partners, Texas Archeological Research Laboratory, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas Department of Transportation, and Center for American History, provided access to their libraries of photographs and archives.

This first regional exhibit set will be followed by Prehistoric Peoples of the Rio Grande Plains, covering the south Texas brush country and Rio Grande valley. Development of this parallel exhibit set is underway. Additional regions of Texas will follow over the next few years.