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Texas Beyond History
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Credits & Sources

The Red River Wars webpage was written by Brett Cruse and Patrica Mercado-Allinger of the Texas Historical Commission. Graphics were created by Roland Pantermuehl, also with the THC. They would like to recognize the Red River War Project funding partners:

Other support has come from the Old Mobeetie Texas Association, Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum, and the Panhandle Tourism & Marketing Council.

Learn more about the U.S. Army in Texas, frontier forts, and the conflict in west Texas in "Nineteenth-Century Forts and the Clash of Cultures on the Texas Frontier," a 12-section thematic exhibit on Texas Beyond History.
Sponsored by the American Battlefield Protection Program of the National Park Service, this is an excellent resource for those interested in military history and the sites of significant battles.
A site devoted primarily to the Red River War, with excellent archival images and an informative timeline of the various engagements.
The website of the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum, an important stop for anyone planning a visit to the Panhandle area. The museum features excellent exhibits on the West, the oil industry, transportation, and ranching heritage and the webpage provides an brief overview of each as well as a calendar of upcoming events and exhibits.


Carlson, Paul H.
2005  Deep Time and the Texas High Plains History and Geology. Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock.

Carter, Robert G.
1935  On the Border with Mackenzie. Enyon Printing, Washington.

Cruse, J. Brett
2008  Battles of the Red River War: Archeological Perspectives on the Indian Campaign of 1874. Texas A&M University Press, College Station.

Dixon, Olive K.
1927  Life of "Billy" Dixon. Southwest Press, Dallas.

Haley, James L.
1998  The Buffalo War: The History of the Red River Indian Uprising of 1874. State House Press, Austin.

Jones, C. Douglas
1966   The Treaty of Medicine Lodge: The Story of the Great Treaty Council as Told by Eyewitnesses. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.

Marshall, J. T.
1971  The Miles Expedition of 1887-1875: An Eyewitness Account of the Red River War. The Encino Press, Austin.

Mercado-Allinger, Patricia and J. Brett Cruse
2000  The War for the Plains: Rediscovering Battles That Swept the Warrior Tribes from Texas. Scientific American Discovering Archaeology Magazine, pp. 62-69.

Rathjen, Frederick W.
1973  The Texas Panhandle Frontier. University of Texas Press, Austin.