Credits & Sources

This exhibit was written by Grant D. Hall, who also furnished all of the photographs and took most of them. Mark Mamawal of Texas Tech and Donny Hamilton of Texas A&M also contributed photographs.
Webpage on Mission Santa Cruz San Sabá and Presidio San Luis de las Amarillas, National Park Service.
Article on Mission Santa Cruz San Sabá by historian Robert Weddle, The
Handbook of Texas Online.
Article on Presidio San Luis de las Amarillas, The Handbook of Texas
Article on mural "The Destruction of Mission San Sabá…",
The Handbook of Texas Online.
Texas Old Missions and Forts Restoration Association website.The purpose of TOMFRA is to encourage continued study of our missions and forts as well as to support the restoration of sites significant to our Texas frontier heritage. We also offer related awards and scholarships to students and teachers.
Print Sources
Carlson, Shawn Bonath
1991 The Search for San Sabá: An Apache Mission on the San Saba
River, Menard County, Texas. Center for Historic Resources, Texas
A&M University, College Station.
Gilmore, Kathleen
1967 A Documentary and Archaeological Investigation of Presidio de
San Luis de las Amarillas and Mission Santa Cruz de San Sabá.
State Building Commission, Austin.
Hall, Grant D.
1994 Searching for San Sabá. Heritage 12.
Hindes, V. Kay, Mark R. Wolf, Grant D. Hall, and Kathleen
Kirk Gilmore.
1995 The Rediscovery of Santa Cruz de San Sabá, A Mission for
the Apache in Spanish Texas. Texas State Historical Association and
Texas Tech University.
Tunnell, Curtis D., and W. W. Newcomb, Jr.
1967 A Lipan Apache Mission, San Lorenzo de la Santa Cruz, 1762-1777.
Texas Memorial Museum, Austin.
Weddle, Robert S.
1964 The San Sabá Mission, Spanish Pivot in Texas. University
of Texas Press, Austin.