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Credits & Sources

Fort McKavett and the Hill Country Frontier was written by Steve Dial, Contributing Editor for Texas Beyond History (see Frontier Forts Supporters and Contributors).

Print Sources for Further Reading

Arnold, James R.
2000   Jeff Davis's Own: Cavalry, Comanches, and the Battle for the Texas Frontier. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.

Austerman, Wayne
1985   Sharps Rifles and Spanish Mules: The San Antonio-El Paso Mail, 1851-1881. Texas A&M University Press, College Station.

Fehrenbach, T.R.
1968   Lone Star: A History of Texas and the Texans. Collier Books, New York, paperback edition 1980.

1979   Comanches: The Destruction of a People. Alfred A. Knopf, New York.

Fowler, Arlen
1971   The Black Infantry in the West, 1869-1891. Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., Westport, CT., University of Oklahoma Press paperback edition 1996.

Jordan, Terry G.
1966   German Seed in Texas Soil: Immigrant Farmers in Nineteenth-Century Texas. University of Texas Press, Austin.

Leckie, William H.
1967   The Buffalo Soldiers: A Narrative of the Negro Cavalry in the West. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.

Pierce, Michael D.
1993   The Most Promising Young Officer: A Life of Ranald Slidell Mackenzie.
University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.

Smith, David Paul
1992   Frontier Defense in the Civil War: Texas' Rangers and Rebels. Texas A&M University Press, College Station.

Smith, Thomas T.
1999   The U.S. Army and the Texas Frontier Economy, 1845-1900. Texas A&M
University Press, College Station.

2000   The Old Army in Texas: A Research Guide to the U.S. Army in Nineteenth-Century Texas. Texas State Historical Association, Austin.

Sullivan, Jerry M.
Nd.   Fort McKavett: A Texas Frontier Post. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

Utley, Robert M.
1967   Frontiersmen in Blue: The United States Army and the Indian, 1848-1865.
McMillan, New York, University of Nebraska Press paperback edition, Bison Book printing, 1981.

1973   Frontier Regulars: The United States Army and the Indian, 1865-1891. McMillan, New York, University of Nebraska Press paperback edition, Bison Book printing, 1984.

Wallace, Ernest and E. Adamson Hoebel
1952   The Comanches: Lords of the South Plains. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, paperback edition, 1986.

Weaver, Bobby D.
1985   Castro's Colony: Empresario Development in Texas, 1842-1865. Texas A&M University Press, College Station.


Website of Fort McKavett State Historic Site. Provides information on activities and events, directions, and additional fort history and photographs.

Fort Concho National Historic Landmark webpage, with a good variety of information including a "virtual tour" of the post.

Website of the Texas Forts Trail group, a partnership of individuals working with city and state agencies and regional economic development organizations to provide a excellent compendium of resources on Texas forts.

The Handbook of Texas Online.

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