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Credits and Sources

The Native Peoples of the South Texas Plains exhibit was written by Dr. Nancy Kenmotsu, TBH editor Susan Dial, who also developed the exhibit, and TBH editor Steve Black.

Kenmotsu, former director of Cultural Resource Management at the Texas Department of Transportation, holds an M.A. from the University of Colorado and Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Texas at Austin, where her doctoral studies focused on the native peoples of the Junta de los RĂ­os region of west Texas. She and Dr. Mariah Wade are co-authors of Amistad National Recreation Area: American Indian Tribal Affiliation Study, An Ethnohistoric Literature Review.

Dr. Nancy Kenmotsu

Learn More: Historic Encounters in the South Texas Plains

Print Sources

Campbell, T. N.
1988 The Indians of Southern Texas and Northeastern Mexico, Selected Writings of Thomas Nolan Campbell. Texas Archeological Research Laboratory, Department of Anthropology and the Institute of Latin American Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin.

1985 Indian Groups Associated with Spanish Missions of the San Antonio Missions Historical Park. Special Report 16. Center for Archaeological research. The University of Texas at San Antonio.

Campbell, T.N. and T.J. Campbell
1981 Historic Indian Groups of the Choke Canyon Reservoir and Surrounding Area. Choke Canyon Series 1. Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at Austin.

Foster, William C. (editor) and Ned F. Brierly (translator)
1997 Texas and Northeastern Mexico 1630-1690 by Juan Bautista Chapa. University of Texas Press.

Goddard, Ives
1979 The Languages of South Texas and the Lower Rio Grande. In The Languages of Native America: Historical and Comparative Assessment, edited by L. Campbell and M. Mithun, pp. 355-389. University of Texas Press, Austin.

Hester, Thomas R.
1998 Coahuiltecan: A Critical View of an Inappropriate Ethnic Label. La Tierra 25(4): 3-7.

1989 Historic Native American Populations. In From the Gulf to the Rio Grande: Human Adaptation in Central, South, and Lower Pecos, Texas. Research Series 33, Arkansas Archeological Survey.

Johnson, LeRoy, and T. N. Campbell
1992 Sanan: Traces of a Previously Unknown Aboriginal Language in Colonial Coahuila and Texas. Plains Anthropologist 37:185-212.

Kenmotsu, Nancy A., and Mariah F. Wade
2002 Amistad National Recreation Area, Del Rio, Texas, American Indian Tribal Affiliation Study Phase I: Ethnohistoric Literature Review. Archeological Studies Program, Report No. 34, Texas Department of Transportation and National Park Service, Austin.

Krieger, Alex D.
2002 We Came Naked and Barefoot: The Journey of Cabeza de Vaca Across North America. University of Texas Press, Austin.

Newcomb, W. W., Jr.
1988 Foreword. In The Indians of Southern Texas and Northeastern Mexico: Selected Writings of Thomas Nolan Campbell. Texas Archeological Research Laboratory, the University of Texas at Austin.

1961 The Indians of Texas. University of Texas Press, Austin.

Nunley, Parker
1971 Archaeological Interpretation and the Particularistic Model: The Coahuiltecan Case. Plains Anthropologist16(54): 302-310.

Prikryl, Daniel J.
2001 Fiction and Fact about the Tonkawa or Titskanwatits of East-Central Texas. Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society 72: 63-72.

Salinas, Martin
1989 Indians of the Rio Grande Delta, Their Role in the History of Southern Texas and Northeastern Mexico. University of Texas Press, Austin.

Sanchez, Mario L.
1994 A Shared Experience, The History, Architecture and Historic Designations of the Lower Rio Grande Heritage Corridor. Texas Historical Commision, Austin, second edition.

Schuetz, Mardith K.
1980 The Indians of the San Antonio Missions 1718-1821. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Univeristy of Texas at Austin, Universiy Microfilms.

Swanton, John R.
1940 Linguistic Material from the Tribes of Southern Texas and Northeastern Mexico. Smithsonian Institution Bureau of Ethnology Bulletin 127. U. S. Governement Printing Office, Washington.

Thoms, Alston V., ed.
2001 Reassessing Cultural Extinction: Change and Survival at Mission San Juan Capistrano, Texas. Center for Ecological Archaeology, Texas A&M University, Reports of Investigations 4, and San Antonio Missions, National Historical Parks, Texas, National Park Service. [Report can be downloaded in two sections: Part One and Part Two]


Bolton, Herbert E.
1907 Spanish Mission Records at San Antonio. Southwestern Historical Quarterly Online 10(4): 297 - 307. www.tshaonline.org/publications/journals/shq/online/v010/n4/article_2.html

Handbook of Texas Online,
a searchable encyclopedia of Texas history, culture, and geography produced by the Texas State Historical Association and the General Libraries at University of Texas at Austin.

Center for American History at the University of Texas at Austin, a special collections library and archive with extensive materials on Texas history.

Cartographic Connections, University of Texas at Arlington. An excellent compilation of historic maps, particularly focused on Texas and Mexico. Images can be searched at different zoom lengths.

Meeting of Peoples: America exhibit, an international collaborative exhibit by the Library of Congress.

American Indians in Texas at Spanish Colonial Missions

Comanche Nation

Tonkawa Tribe

History of Mescalero Apache Tribe, which includes the Lipan Apache sub-tribe.

Lipan Apache of Texas