- Who are the Caddo?
- Caddoan Languages and Peoples
- Caddo Timeline
- Caddo Homeland
- The Mississippian World
- Spiro and the Arkansas Basin
- Caddo Life
- Learning about the Caddo
- Graves of Caddo Ancestors
- Credits & Sources
The main sections of this exhibit introduce the Caddo people, their homeland, their language, and the larger context within which Caddo societies once existed. The focus is on the Caddo's 1000-year-long era of greatness, from about twelve hundred years ago (A.D. 800) through the early part of the 19th century. Throughout this era, Caddo ancestors inhabited a large homeland centered in what is today the four-state area where Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma meet. Other sections of the Caddo Fundamentals exhibit explain how we can learn more about the ancient and modern Caddo and discuss the sensitive subject of ancestral Caddo graves. The final section gives credit to the many individuals and organizations who contributed to this exhibit and lists sources for further information.